* Copies a value to the clipboard using the `navigator.clipboard.writeText()` method.
* If a callback function is provided, it will be called after the data is successfully copied to the clipboard.
* If an error occurs while attempting to copy the data, the error will be caught and logged to the console.
* @param data - Any thing to copy to the clipboard.
* @param callback - An optional callback function to call after the data is copied to the clipboard.
* @example
* Copy a string to the clipboard
* await copyToClipboard('Hello, world!')
* @example
* Copy a number to the clipboard and log a message to the console after it is copied
* await copyToClipboard(123, () => console.log('Number copied to clipboard!'))
* @throws If an error occurs while attempting to copy the data to the clipboard.
Usage Example
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { copyToClipboard } from 'utils-snap-fn'
const copyText = ref('Hello Javascript')
function copy() {
copyToClipboard(copyText.value, () => alert('text copied success!'))